EPDM Roofing Calculator
image of felt roof

Why Roofers Are Stopping Using Felt

Modern Roofers Avoid Felt Seeing as a roof is the core aspect of any building project, to deliver the best results for homeowners or clients, roofers must keep up with the industry, which has significantly evolved over time. One noticeable shift in typical roofing practices has been a move away from the heavy use of traditional materials like felt, for example. As you might know, felt has been a staple in roofing for decades, mainly due to its affordability. However, felt notoriously does...

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How to Replace a Felt Roof

Switching & Replacing Your Felt Roof for Something Better Felt roofs are a common, cheap flat roof material known to have a shorter lifespan than other flat roof materials (most manufacturers only guarantee the product for 10 years). Seeing as the material cannot withstand intense weather in the summer or the harshness of winter, weather damage is not uncommon, so you’ll want to choose a material that saves you hassle in the future. Felt roofs are a common, cheap flat roof material,...