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4 Types of Rubber Roof Coatings

4 Types of Roof Coatings A rubber roof coating is essentially a composite made up of numerous materials. It is a protective layer applied to the roof's exterior to provide shelter to the interior of a building or dwelling. Acting as the “cherry on top,” a roof coating often extends the life of a roof, seals the roof to prevent leaks, and keeps heat out (acting as a reflective layer). Some roof coatings are better than others, as we’ll explore below with...


How to Waterproof a Shed Roof

For many of us, our shed takes pride of place in our garden, and we spend many hours tinkering with gadgets and fixing tools in it. For some, it’s a home away from home; if we want a bit of undisturbed time, we head down to the garden shed and enjoy a little peace and quiet. If the shed is damp, smells of mould and its roof leaks, it won’t be a pleasant place to be in. More importantly, it is...